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Sung Wing Chun (United Kingdom)

Sung Wing Chun (United Kingdom)

Sung Wing Chun is a martial arts school from Sheffield, UK, one of the few in Europe to offer a very similar approach to teaching Wing Chun as Grand Master Chu Shong Tin. Experienced instructors Mark Ho, Daniel Parr and Jon Jones give their students the best of internal Wing Chun. We highly recommend to all those interested in the highest levels of Wing Chun.
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Mindfull Wing Chun (Hong Kong)

Mindfull Wing Chun (Hong Kong)

Mindfull Wing Chun is a martial arts school located in the heart of Hong Kong. The school was founded by students of Grand Master Chu Shong Tin who trained with him for the last years of his life. The best known is Nima King and Sebastian Soza. We recommend to all who are interested in the inner Wing Chun, as taught by Grand Master Chu Shong Tin in the last phase of his 60 years of teaching practice.
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Chu Shong Tin Ving Tsun Alumni (Hong Kong)

Chu Shong Tin Ving Tsun Alumni (Hong Kong)

Chu Shong Tin Ving Tsun Alumni (Hong Kong, 2009) is a continuation of Grand Master Chu Shong Tin school, founded in 1964. CST Alumni aims to promote Wing Chun of Grand Master Chu Shong Tin and is a club for its students. CST Alumni is run by Horace Chu, son of Grand Master Chu Shong Tin and Wign Chun Master Peter Wong. This school is a place that has become a legendary place for many.
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International Wing Chun Academy (Australia)

International Wing Chun Academy (Australia)

Jim Fung´s International Wing Chun Academy is one of the largest Wing Chun schools in Australia. It was founded by Grand Master Jim Fung in 1973 and is now managed by his son Tristan Fung and his most advanced instructors. A sophisticated, many-year-proven system of teaching and concentration of long-standing instructors is the main asset of this organization.
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