
Co o nás říkají studenti

Exceptional versatility: just warming up alone involves, apart from the hands and feet, the back and abdominal muscles, there is an aerobic part (chain punches and kicks), balance exercise (on one leg), last but not least, stretching and meditation part (set). Wing Chun Praha is a “school” in the best, traditional and unfortunately slowly disappearing meaning of the word: community rather than bureaucratic institution; a place where you are learning and you can teach others, where everyone is a student and a teacher. We are a varied community in various respects: on the one hand, high schools and universities students, men in their thirties in their best, as well as the peaceful 40+ category, fathers (and mothers) from families as well as old bachelors come here. Intellectuals, officials, entrepreneurs and manual workers. Men and many representatives of the , as we call, gentle sex, Czechs, Slovaks, Moravians, foreigners from the west and east, ....
Dalibor P.
I was looking for a martial art school that would teach me how to defend myself and my loved ones in situations where necessary. Wing Chun gave me confidence, I know how to handle different critical situations. Finally, I met a lot of great people and have a lot of fun during our trainings, seminars and workshops. At Wing Chun Praha, I appreciate the friendly approach and attitude from the instructors and from our Sifu.

I attend trainings 2 to 3 times a week because I like it. If I don't go to training, I train at home. It really caught me.

Why would I recommend Wing Chun? Man learns to take care of himself. Wing Chun is straightforward, effective and great fun.
Dušan K.
Wing Chun is an ideal combination to my sedentary work. It helps me to deal with my old sports injuries and bad posture. It is a time for me to relax, a path to personal development and an understanding of how our body works. With growing experience, my confidence grows that I can help my loved ones or myself in critical situations. Emphasis is placed on effectiveness and straightforward self-defense, against the individual and multiple attackers. And great people come here with whom I like to meet even outside the training. :)
Michal Ž.
Wing Chun kung fu is a matter of heart for me. About Wing Chun, besides the self-defense side, I like working with my own body in a slightly different way than we are used to. This has a positive impact on my body as we learn to deal with incoming force by not using a brute force. I recommend Wing Chun Praha to all who want to be part of a great group of people, while learning something useful.
Martin V.
I fell in love with Wing Chun because it is for me the sum of what I've been looking for, for the last 7 years. It teaches me to develop the sensitivity of my body, such as its proper posture, structure, balance, and how to relieve various body tensions. Moreover, it enables me to practically verify these findings during the lessons. For me, as a woman, training goes hand in hand with increasing physical fitness and the opportunity to learn a new way of thinking that focuses on the technique and economy of movement.

Training is a reward for all-day work for me. Cool people and friendly atmosphere. I can only recommend!
Adéla V.
... what to add. Functional, logical, uncomplicated approach to self-control ... correct posture, improved physical and mental condition, situation control, friendly environment + very practical and effective martial arts as a bonus ... all under the guise of simplicity, practicality, economy of movement and saving one’s energy. MIND DEFEATS THE GROSS POWER!
Štěpán M.
Sifu is not only an excellent teacher but also a human being. I look forward to every new lesson!
Miloš P.
I started Wing Chun less than two years ago. Since, I feel very motivated, increased self-confidence and a great way for me to clear my head after work and do something for myself.
Patrik P.
THE BODY, LED BY STRONG AND FREE MIND, BECOMES A PERFECT TOOL - Wing Chun is a way of acquiring self-knowledge.
Vadim F.
A great Wing Chun school. Sifu Dalibor trained under Sifu Jim in Australia, and through him from others from Australia and Hong Kong. He pursues constant learning. And even makes time for his students on a social level.
Sifu Ywan
The school is giving me all what I need to keep working on my development as well as I love to practise with other students, we are all one large family and the energy (qi) which is around the place is just great and powerful. It deserves the five stars rating for the dedication and the educational process of many people who believed in the art and it all proves to be the right martial art for many, no matter of the age, gender or physical structure. It's one of the best schools for martial arts in the whole Czech Republic. I'm very lucky to be one of the students. I can only recommend this school to everyone who is willing to learn the Wing Chun Kung Fu at some amazing level. Thank you.
Arne T.